Spelling Bee & Spellodrome

At Snowsfields sesterday we held our very first spelling bee competition! Over the past couple of weeks the children have had the chance to practice a large number of spellings in order to compete at the event. With class competitions being held throughout the day, and of course the children dressed up as bees, it was a thoroughly enjoyable day for all who took part, with both a winner and a runner up in each class.

To help the children practice their spellings we used the fantastic programme ‘Spellodrome‘ which although we have had in school for some time now, it hasn’t seen as much use a its sister application ‘Mathletics’. However we hope that now we have relaunched it within school it will become much more widely used by the children – parents, it can be accessed through the school website using the same login details as your child’s Mathletics login.

Thank you very much to Laura for organising the event, and all of the ‘BEErilliant‘ children who took part.

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Matt Rogers
ICT Subject Leader

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